Donald Trump: Hands Off Oregon's Immigrant Communities

Donald Trump: Hands Off Oregon's Immigrant Communities

Immigrants and refugees are our family members, neighbors, friends and colleagues. They play a vital role in our state, culturally and economically.

When immigrant and refugee communities pick Oregon as their home, they do so because they believe Oregon is a fair place where their families can thrive. That’s what being an Oregonian is all about.

We know the Trump administration will target immigrant, refugee, and Muslim communities in the coming months. Some far-right leaders in Oregon are following suit with proposals that target, isolate and racially profile immigrant families. Oregonians are better than this.

That’s why we are united against any proposals that will suppress voting, require Oregon’s public service providers to enforce immigration policy, create a registry for Muslims, or impose English-only language restrictions in public places – policies that would separate and treat immigrant and refugee communities as less than. No matter where we come from, we are all Oregonians. And we choose love over hate.

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