Add your name now! Demand the Senate protect our right to vote!

Add your name now! Demand the Senate protect our right to vote!

Daily Kos
League of Conservation Voters
People for the American Way
Sierra Club
The Nation

Anti-environment groups, anti-democratic groups, and other megadonors have flooded our elections with hundreds of millions of dollars in unlimited, anonymous dark money to influence elections, stop climate change legislation and dismantle voting rights.


But the Democratic House just passed H.R. 1 – the For the People Act – which restores power back to advocates like you and stops special interests and billionaires from destroying our environment and our democracy.


The For the People Act is a sweeping bill that protects your right to vote, creates nationwide automatic and same-day voter registration, restores the Voting Rights Act and ends partisan gerrymandering – all of which will create a stronger and fairer democracy where it’s finally possible to take action on climate change.


H.R. 1 also safeguards our democracy with strengthened ethics laws that restrict lobbying, stops elected officials from using taxpayer dollars to settle sexual harassment lawsuits and limits special interests’ influence on our elections.


It’s essential that Congress passes H.R. 1 to protect our environment, ensure access to clean air and water, and hold our elected officials accountable. A functioning democracy free of special interests polluting our government and elections is the only way we’ll solve climate change – but right now our coalition needs your help to make sure the Senate passes the For the People Act and shifts power back to everyday Americans.


At this moment, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is refusing to bring this bill up for a vote – and we need 100,000 fired-up grassroots advocates to add their voices and demand the Senate pass H.R. 1: Add your name now! Demand the Senate protect our right to vote!