Daily Kos
Friends of the Earth Action
Green America
League of Conservation Voters
The Nation
Sierra Club
In the 45 years since it was enacted, the Endangered Species Act has saved some of our most threatened species from the brink of extinction, including the green sea turtle, sea otter and bald eagle. In fact, the ESA is one of the most successful environmental policies in U.S. history, having saved 99% of its designated protected species.
Right now, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke is proposing three rule changes that would effectively gut this bedrock legislation for imperiled species. This undermining represents the most significant threat to the ESA in its 45-year history: weakening protections for threatened species, removing opportunities for public input and making it harder to hold wildlife agencies accountable for their actions.
Hundreds of unique, vulnerable species and their habitats are under attack – all so the Trump administration can rubber-stamp the projects of corporate polluters: pipelines, drilling and fracking. Our coalition needs 100,000 people to speak out and DEMAND that Secretary Zinke protect the United States’ wildlife and wildland over corporate interests. Add your name to demand Secretary Zinke and the Trump administration stop their assault on the Endangered Species Act and protect our vulnerable wildlife.