Add your name: Tell Congress to fight big money and pass the Government by the People Act
Petition Partners
Daily Kos
Every Voice
Latino Victory Project
People for the American Way
We all deserve to have our voices heard in our elections – but more than ever before, our elections are dominated by wealthy special interest spending.
That’s why Congress must pass the Government by the People Act: to fight big money and put power in the hands of everyday people.
The Government by the People Act would make everyday Americans just as powerful as big donors, with a six-to-one match for small contributions, and incentives for candidates to focus on raising money from small donors.
Candidates without networks of big-money donors would be able to run for office and win with their community’s support. Constituents would know that their elected officials are accountable only to them – not special interests and wealthy donors.
As citizen co-sponsors, we urge our representatives to co-sponsor the Government by the People Act and be leaders in building a government of, by, and for the people.
Sign the petition to Congress: Pass the Government by the People Act now.