In one of his first major decisions as Environmental Protection Agency administrator, Scott Pruitt moved to abort the agency’s proposed ban of chlorpyrifos – an insecticide that at even small doses can harm children’s brains and nervous systems – from use on food crops.

Pruitt and the Trump administration’s decision ignored overwhelming evidence that small amounts of chlorpyrifos can damage parts of the brain that control language, memory, behavior and emotion. But it’s not too late for retailers to do the right thing.

That’s why we’re calling on top grocery retailers – including Safeway, Kroger, Publix and others – to say NO to chlorpyrifos by refusing to carry produce items that have been sprayed with the toxic pesticide.

Add your name to EWG, SierraRise, Food Revolution Network and Just Label It’s petition today and help us reach 75,000 signatures urging retailers to say NO to chlorpyrifos!

As a concerned consumer, I stand with EWG, SierraRise, Food Revolution Network and Just Label It in calling on grocery retailers to stop selling produce that has been sprayed with the toxic pesticide chlorpyrifos – an insecticide that at even small doses can harm children’s brains and nervous systems.

A 2015 EPA assessment found that some people are exposed to risky amounts of the pesticide via food or contaminated drinking water. In its most recent tests of produce for pesticide residues, the U.S. Department of Agriculture detected chlorpyrifos on 20 percent of peaches imported from Chile.

According to the EPA, soy, corn and oranges account for most domestic chlorpyrifos use. The pesticide is still applied to more than 30 percent of domestic apples, asparagus, walnuts, onions, grapes, broccoli, cherries and cauliflower.

Please stand up for the health of your customers and stop selling fruits and vegetables that have been sprayed with chlorpyrifos.

Environmental Working Group
Food Revolution Network
Just Label It