Sign the Petition: Demand the EPA stop putting corporate profits over people and the environment!
The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic is making more evident our need to rely on science and experts to help protect our communities. And when it comes to public health, our environment and climate change, decades of scientific evidence show that we’re on a collision course with disaster.
But right now, the Environmental Protection Agency is ignoring these warnings and pushing a reckless agenda to suppress science – suspending enforcement of vital regulations and letting polluters put the health and safety of our planet and communities in greater jeopardy. This dangerous choice to attack our most crucial protections comes when it’s more important than ever to listen to experts and do what it takes to save lives and save the Earth.
What we do right now and over the next few years will determine whether we can prevent a climate catastrophe and help ensure clean air and water for all our communities. Speaking out as loud as we can, together, against these assaults on our planet is the ONLY way we’ll ever gain a just, sustainable future for the people inhabiting it. Before midnight, we urgently need 50,000 grassroots supporters to sign the petition to help protect our communities and our environment from the Trump administration’s unprecedented threat.
Please, add your name now to demand the EPA stop putting corporate profits over people and the environment!
314 Action
Clean Water Action
Climate Reality Action Fund
Daily Kos
Environmental Defense Action Fund
Friends of the Earth Action
League of Conservation Voters
National Wildlife Federation Action Fund
Sierra Club